Platio URL

With Platio URL, you can specify a MiniApp, a Data Pocket and a Record.

By sending a Platio URL via email or encoding it in a QRcode, for example, you can let them open a specified Data Pocket or Record. You can even use this URL when sending a push notification and let users open a specific Record when they tap it.

MiniApp URL

A base of Platio URL is a URL specifying a MiniApp. It’ll be something like platio:// You can get this URL by replacing https with platio in a URL to your MiniApp.

Data Pocket URL

Add a name of your Data Pocket in a URL fragment when you want to specify your Data Pocket. It’ll be something like platio:// Note that you need to encode special characters. For example, it’ll become platio://, if it’s named “Demo 4/8”.

Record URL

Add an ID of your Collection and a Record separated by / following your Data Pocket name to specify a Record. It’ll look like platio://

You can specify * as a Data Pocket name in a Record URL like platio://*/tf71dbb9/ri5f3cykexfbkzk7ohzqm2oocni. In this case, a Data Pocket that can display a Record in a specified Collection will be picked up.

It depends on a template which Scene is used to display a Record. Some templates doesn’t support displaying a Record. It doesn’t display a Record in this case.

Creating Record URL

Add an ID of your Collection following your Data Pocket name and / to open a scene to create a Record. It’ll look like platio://

You can specify * as a Data Pocket name in a Create Record URL like platio://*/tf71dbb9. In this case, a Data Pocket that can create a Record in a specified Collection will be picked up.

You can also specify initial values when creating a Record by including Column IDs and their values in a URL fragment. For instance, platio:// will open a scene to create a Record with these two values being set. Note that you need to encode special characters in each value.

The Scene used to create a Record depends on the type of Data Pocket. Some types of Data Pockets don’t support creating a Record using a URL. It doesn’t open a scene to create a Record in this case. Currently, Data Pockets of Create Records type don’t support creating a Record using a URL.